Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Date, Almond & Coconut Fudge Slice

"We develop equanimity and grace as we learn to trust that, with the guiding hand of the universe, life will unfold exactly the way it should."
Daily Om 

I am (slowly) learning that I simply cannot control every happening in my environment. Sometimes I need to let go and just trust...
I cannot control the behaviour or preferences of others, but what I can do is share my passion with them and hope they can eventually share some of my enthusiasm.
The other day we had a morning tea 'cook-off' at my workplace, (in honour of the Disabilitea promotion for the National Disability Insurance Scheme). I always feel conflicted when asked to bring along a dish to hare at these events. Do I make something more 'traditional' - filled with refined sugar, processed flour etc, or do I stay true to myself and take a dish that may not win any prizes, but makes me feel pleased in the knowledge that I am promoting happier and healthier choices.
So, on this occasion I went for the latter option. I made this Almond Coconut and Fudge slice. Note that whilst this is paleo, gluten free, refined sugar free, and contains loads of healthy fats from the almonds and coconut, it should still be considered a treat and enjoyed in small quantities...

Date, Almond & Coconut/ Fudge Slice
1 cup dates
1 cup almonds (I used homemade roasted, activated almonds of course!)
3/4 - 1 cup shredded coconut
1 Tbs coconut oil
1 tsp organic vanilla powder
1 tsp coconut palm sugar
Melt together the coconut oil, coconut sugar and vanilla. 
Place dates, almonds and coconut in the food processor. Pulse to combine, then add the wet ingredients, and run the processor for about 5 minutes until the mixture forms a smooth ball. Press the ball into a square tin (or roll into balls) and refrigerate overnight. Cut into squares to serve. 
I served mine with fresh strawberries and a smattering of shredded coconut and cinnamon.
Nat x

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